Богословські роздуми: Східноєвропейський журнал богословʼя (Aug 2024)
The Appeal and Perils of Religious Nationalism: A Comparative Analysis
The question of how Christians should engage politically is a matter of perennial debate. Ever since the time of Emperor Constantine and the “Christianization” of the Roman Empire, a particularly fraught question is the relationship between Christianity and political power. In Europe’s medieval kingdoms, Christians wielded tremendous political power, and even after the rise of secular nation-states, a Christian worldview remained heavily influential. The process of secularization has meant that that influence has waned, and some Christians have adopted the rhetoric of “Christian nationalism” in a defensive effort to hold onto power. This article seeks to describe the appeal of this political ideology in Central and Eastern Europe, in the context of secularization, with reference to parallel trends in the United States. It also provides a theological critique of some of its problems, including its idolatrous tendencies.