Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease (Apr 2022)

Erasmus syndrome: The association of systemic sclerosis and silicosis

  • Miguel Osejo-Betancourt,
  • Pedro Chaparro-Mutiz



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Erasmus syndrome is the association of the exposure to silica and the subsequent development of systemic sclerosis, a rare occurrence, with scarce data in medical literature, which can be attributed to little knowledge of the syndrome and underdiagnosis. It is important to recognize this association as it has a worse respiratory prognosis than the idiopathic form of systemic sclerosis and since autoimmune diseases are rarer in men, it is easy to do exposure research when they occur. We describe the case of a 59-year-old man, a bricklayer by craft since the age of 15, who presented with respiratory symptoms and skin alterations and in whom this syndrome was diagnosed during his recent admission.
