Indian Journal of Dental Research (Jan 2015)

Comparative evaluation of two different remineralizing agents on the microhardness of bleached enamel surface: Results of an in vitro study

  • Gunpriya Kaur,
  • Anita U Sanap,
  • Shalini D Aggarwal,
  • Tanaya Kumar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 2
pp. 176 – 179


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Context: Various agents are studied for their remineralization potential. Aim: To evaluate the effect of GC Tooth Mousse and Toothmin Tooth Cream on microhardness of bleached enamel. Settings and Design: In vitro- study. Methods and Material: Twenty freshly extracted anterior teeth were cut sagittally and impregnated in cold cure acrylic resin. Specimens were kept in artificial saliva to prevent from dehydration. After measuring baseline hardness, teeth were randomly divided into two groups. Everbrite In - Office Tooth whitening kit (Dentamerica) was used to demineralize the teeth following which hardness was measured again. Teeth in group one (n=10) and group two (n=10) were treated with GC tooth mousse (Recaldent) and Toothmin tooth cream (Abbott Healthcare Pvt.Ltd) daily for seven days and microhardness of enamel surface was measured. Statistical Analysis Used: Mean, SD, and percentage change in the microhardness were calculated. Student′s paired t-test was used to evaluate the signifi cance of change from initial, after bleaching for 5 min and after 1-week remineralization Unpaired′t′ test was used to compare difference between groups. Results: Microhardness significantly decreased in both groups after bleaching (% change group one: 3.24% group two: 3.26% in group; P0.05). Conclusion: Both GC Tooth Mousse (Recaldent) and Toothmin Tooth cream (Abbott Healthcare Pvt.Ltd) increase the microhardness of bleached enamel. Toothmin tooth cream is a better agent for increasing microhardness, although difference is not significant.
