Ендоваскулярна нейрорентгенохірургія (Dec 2020)
Studying the possibility of using biomechanical indicators of the eye fibrous capsule as markers for predicting the risk of development of complications and prevention of the progression of myopia
Objective ‒ to analyze the tactics of flattening in women with varying degrees of myopia and to assess the incidence of complications in the postpartum period and the birth of children with congenital refractive errors in this category of patients. Materials and methods. The conclusions about absence of a causal relationship between pregnancy, delivery and retinal detachment on an example of 442 patients with myopia a various degrees have been developing. Results. To modern requirements the estimation of the methods applied to inspection by pregnant women with myopia is resulted in quality of rendering of the specialized ophthalmologic and obstetric help to the population. The basic stages of conducting pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period at women with myopia according to last scientific achievements in the field of ophthalmology and obstetrics are certain. It is shown, delivery patients with myopia an average and high degree are expedient for conducting through natural patrimonial ways on a background long epidural the anesthesia allowing medical to switch off an attempt and to prevent occurrence of ophthalmologic complications. Conclusions. It is noted an urgency of a problem and necessity of the further perfection of tactics of conducting pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period at women with myopia. The tactics of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in women with myopia need to be improved. The coefficients of the cornea and sclera rigidity measurement have to be included in to the standard examination of pregnant women with myopia different degrees. It’s allows to identify possible risk factors for reducing the strength properties of the eye fibrous capsule in these patients. It helps to calculate the possible risks of progression of myopia, ruptures, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment during prenatal and postpartum periods. These techniques using in routine practice would reduce the number of postpartum infectious and inflammatory complications in both mothers and newborns, as well as the number of cases of hypoxic lesions of the central nervous system in the early neonatal period.