中西医结合护理 (Aug 2023)
Evidence-based nursing for a patient with post-stroke dysphagia (1例脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者的循证护理实践)
This paper summarized the practice of evidence-based nursing for a patient with post-stroke dysphagia. Based on the evidence of nursing for post-stroke dysphagia, early screening and evaluation for dysphagia was conducted. Diet management, rehabilitation training and health education were carried out to improve the prognosis, rehabilitation and quality of life of the patient. (本文总结1例脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者应用最佳循证证据进行实践的护理经验。基于吞咽障碍护理循证证据, 患者入院后即进行早期的吞咽障碍筛查与评估, 根据评估结果实施进食管理、康复训练和健康教育等干预措施, 从而改善患者结局, 促进康复, 提高生活质量。)