مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الطبية (Aug 2023)

Case report: Successful Pregnancy In A Patient With Isolated Subtotal Vaginal Agenesis Accompanied With A Cervical Vestibular Fistula Which Has Been Treated Surgically

  • د.هيثم عباسي,
  • وسيم طيفور,
  • علي ابراهيم,
  • إمار أبو مغضب

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 3


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Obstructive reproductive tract anomalies usually diagnosed in first year after menses should have occurred, so because the menstrual blood cannot get out, it accumulates resulting in hematocolpos or hematometrocolpos which in turn causes pelvic cyclic pain raised in severe by time associates primary amenorrhea. We report a case of isolated subtotal vaginal agenesis -which is one of the obstructive anomalies- but without facing any complication before getting married except some pain during menses because there was a fistula making it possible to pass out menstrual blood. It is important to detect the exact malformation in order to conduct a successful following surgery. we mention its surgical treatment in which we use peritoneum as a flap to line neovagina and the following up of the patient who started to use frank’s dilators after surgery for some time to improve vaginal length and prevent stenosis.
