Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика (Aug 2006)
Improving arterial hypertension control in patients with high cardiovascular event risk: main stages of Russian Research and Clinical Program ARGUS-2
Principal results of the Russian Research and Clinical Program ARGUS. In this patient group, arterial hypertension (AH) control is very low, as well as diuretic prescription rate. High AH-related hospitalization rate is an evidence of a need for studying AH in-patient management problem, clinical and psychological profiles of hospitalized patients. Blood pressure (BP) control improvement is possible only with complex efforts of health professionals and patients. Theory-practice gap in AH management could not be eliminated by traditional educating programs, focused on doctor and patient awareness increase only. BP control problem might be a result of doctors’ psychological barriers, in respect to BP target level achievement, ad well as of patients’ low motivation and unsatisfactory therapy compliance. There is a need for a program studying psychological problems of health professionals and patients, obstacles for adequate AH management and demonstrating perspectives of rational diuretic use in patients with uncontrolled AH. To solve these tasks, the project «Improving arterial hypertension control in patients with high cardiovascular event risk» (ARGUS-2) was developed.