Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy (Dec 2020)
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the strength and resistance of the muscles of the abdomino-lumbo-pelvic area in women and to evaluate the effect of physical activities performed in gyms on the strength and stability of the core muscles. Hypotheses: 1. The combined physical activity program (Pilates, step-aerobics and strength training) practiced in gyms, may increase the strength and stability of the core muscles. 2. The effects of the intervention program on the strength and stability of the core muscles are manifested differently depending on the age range. Subjects and methods: This study involved 95 adult women, who practiced physical activities in two gyms in Oradea, for 12 months, between February 2015 and June 2016. To test the strength and stability of the core muscles we used the functional test "Core Muscle Strength and Stability Test". The physical activity program consisted in combined training of Pilates, Step - aerobics and strength training in the gym, 3 times a week for 60-90 minutes, for 12 months. Results: Results of the core muscle strength and stability test: at the initial assessment, 69 subjects (72.7%) were able to complete only the first stage of the test, 1 subject (1.1%)completed stage 2, 3 subjects ( 3.1%), stage 3, 4 subjects (4.2%) reached stage 4, 13 (13.6%), up to stage 5, and 5 subjects (5.3%) managed to complete the test. At the final evaluation, 20 subjects (21.1%) completed the first stage, 26 subjects (27.5%), the 3rd stage, 18 subjects (18.9%), the 5th stage, 3 subjects (3.1%), stage 6, 10 subjects (10.5%), stage 7, and 18 subjects reached stage 8 and completed the test. Conclusions: At the core muscle strength and stability test, almost all subjects improved their results: the number of subjects who received the excellent grade increased from 5 (5.3%) at the initial evaluation, to 31 (32.5%) at the final evaluation. So we can conclude that our hypothesis has been confirmed, the combined physical activity program (Pilates, step-aerobics and strength training) having a beneficial effect on the strength and stability of the core muscles.