npj Computational Materials (Nov 2022)
Vibrationally resolved optical excitations of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond
Abstract A comprehensive description of the optical cycle of spin defects in solids requires the understanding of the electronic and atomistic structure of states with different spin multiplicity, including singlet states which are particularly challenging from a theoretical standpoint. We present a general framework, based on spin-flip time-dependent density function theory, to determine the excited state potential energy surfaces of the many-body singlet states of spin defects; we then predict the vibrationally resolved absorption spectrum between singlet shelving states of a prototypical defect, the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Our results, which are in very good agreement with experiments, provide an interpretation of the measured spectra and reveal the key role of specific phonons in determining absorption processes, and the notable influence of non-adiabatic interactions. The insights gained from our calculations may be useful in defining strategies to improve infrared-absorption-based magnetometry and optical pumping schemes. The theoretical framework developed here is general and applicable to a variety of other spin defects and materials.