Large-scale Assessments in Education (Apr 2020)

ICT Engagement: a new construct and its assessment in PISA 2015

  • Olga Kunina-Habenicht,
  • Frank Goldhammer

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 1 – 21


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Abstract As a relevant cognitive-motivational aspect of ICT literacy, a new construct ICT Engagement is theoretically based on self-determination theory and involves the factors ICT interest, Perceived ICT competence, Perceived autonomy related to ICT use, and ICT as a topic in social interaction. In this manuscript, we present different sources of validity supporting the construct interpretation of test scores in the ICT Engagement scale, which was used in PISA 2015. Specifically, we investigated the internal structure by dimensional analyses and investigated the relation of ICT Engagement aspects to other variables. The analyses are based on public data from PISA 2015 main study from Switzerland (n = 5860) and Germany (n = 6504). First, we could confirm the four-dimensional structure of ICT Engagement for the Swiss sample using a structural equation modelling approach. Second, ICT Engagement scales explained the highest amount of variance in ICT Use for Entertainment, followed by Practical use. Third, we found significantly lower values for girls in all ICT Engagement scales except ICT Interest. Fourth, we found a small negative correlation between the scores in the subscale “ICT as a topic in social interaction” and reading performance in PISA 2015. We could replicate most results for the German sample. Overall, the obtained results support the construct interpretation of the four ICT Engagement subscales.
