Türkiye Biyoetik Dergisi (Oct 2022)
Factors Affecting The Attitudes of Physicians to be a Member of the Turkish Medical Association: Sample of Denizli
Introduction: The Turkish Medical Association (TMA) is a professional organization having the characteristics of a public institution in nature, established under the Law number: 6023. In this study, it was aimed to reveal the views and attitudes of physicians about membering of TMA. Methods: The sample of this study, consists of 40 physicians working in Denizli city center. The reasons for physicians' membership, non-membership and withdrawal from the association were determined by using open-ended questions through faceto- face interviews, one of the qualitative research methods. Results: Physicians, who joined the association voluntarily, reported that they became member of the association because (i) they 'considered membership as a part (necessity) of the profession', (ii) they 'wanted to contribute to professional solidarity' and because of (iii) 'colleague orientation'. Physicians who became members out of necessity, on the other hand, provided reasons for joining the association as desire for 'working in a private institution' or 'wishing to benefit from the facilities of the association'. Among the reasons for why they withdraw from the association or why they do not join the association include considering 'TMA being political', 'fear of being labeled', finding it 'useless or not needing it', 'turning to alternative associations', 'having no invitation or information' and 'problems regarding membership fees'. Discussion and Conclusion: As a result, physicians' lack of knowledge about TMA negatively affects their attitudes towards membership.