Clio y Asociados (Jun 2018)
Pensamiento del profesorado de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales sobre la formación ciudadana en Chile
The investigation arises within the framework of a series of curricular changes occurred in Chile, due tothe incorporation of citizenshipeducation as a coreaxis in the subject of History, Geography and Social Sciences,of the CitizenEducationPlan for schools subsidized by the state and the creation of theCitizen Training subject. It is investigated the thinkingof teachers of history, geography and social sciences on citizenshipeducation. The goalis to interpret their beliefs, approaches, academic training and teaching strategies declared by themselves. Basing on a mixed methodology and a phenomenological design, a survey was applied to 82 teachers and 20 of them were interviewed. The results show that, in the absence of academic training and a studyprogram, teachers have opted to incorporate citizenship based on their own approach, this is closer to civic education than to citizen education, which is evidencedina thought that puts as central themes of learning: the rights and duties of the citizen, political participation and institutionality.