Laboratory of Organic Synthesis Bio- and Organocatalysis, Chemistry Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Cra. 1 No 18A-12 Q:305, Bogotá 111711, Colombia
David Ezenarro-Salcedo
Inorganic Chemistry, Catalysis and Bio-Inorganic Group, Chemistry Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Cra. 1 No. 18A-12, Bogotá 111711, Colombia
Mario A. Macías
Crystallography and Chemistry of Materials, CrisQuimMat, Chemistry Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Cra. 1 No. 18A-12, Bogotá 111711, Colombia
Diego Gamba-Sánchez
Laboratory of Organic Synthesis Bio- and Organocatalysis, Chemistry Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Cra. 1 No 18A-12 Q:305, Bogotá 111711, Colombia
Dioxime oxalates, a type of carbonyl oximes, are well-known as clean sources of iminyl radicals that undergo key organic chemistry transformations. A series of dioxime oxalates is reported in this manuscript, obtained by the reaction of the corresponding oximes with oxalyl chloride and Et3N at room temperature. This one-pot method afforded three novel dioxime oxalates and the crystal structure of cyclopentanone dioxime oxalate analysis is also presented.