RUDN Journal of Law (Dec 2023)
Forms of legal regulatory framework in the labor law of Russia
The study is devoted to the legal regulatory framework and its forms of manifestation. The material is based on the analysis of certain provisions of labor legislation. Labor legislation is the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities and combines simultaneously several levels of legal regulation, namely federal, regional, local and others. Further research of the theory of framework legal regulation involves an analysis of the forms of its manifestation in particular branches of law. Legal regulatory framework is built on the legal norms that set certain limits of legal regulation, while their specification depends on the discretion of the law enforcer. In labor legislation, there are norms of different degrees of certainty. The logical constructions of individual legal norms of labor legislation are characterized by certain uncertainty. Legal uncertainty provides for the right to the subjects of legal relationship or the law enforcer to act at their own discretion. It seems relevant to investigate the properties of relatively determinate norms of labor legislation, and to analyze the specifics of the legal regulatory framework mechanism, based on the analysis of judicial practice.