Results in Physics (Jul 2023)
Lossy mode resonance generation with perovskite-coated photonic crystal fiber for sensing applications
Two-dimensional polymer perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) has very potential properties in sensing applications. Hence, for high sensitivity, a lossy mode resonance refractive index sensor based on perovskite coating is proposed. The sensor uses a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with three air holes and a polished surface. Perovskite is deposited on the PCF plane to form the Kretschmann structure. We analyzed its sensing characteristics by using the finite element method. A significant advantage of the sensor is its strong tunability, allowing it to be used in various operating environments by controlling the thickness of the film. In addition, two sharp resonant peaks in the loss spectrum can realize double resonant peak sensing and increase measurement accuracy. Numerical results show that the maximum sensitivity of the two resonant peaks is 36400 nm/RIU and 15400 nm/RIU, respectively, and the corresponding refractive index range is 1.39–1.43. The results also show that small structural changes do not cause a change in performance, meaning that the sensor has a high fault tolerance rate. The high sensitivity response with adjustable detection range makes the proposed sensor distinct. It has a good application prospect in water quality monitoring and biomolecular detection.