Tropicultura (Dec 2019)
Pratique agricole innovante: l'acceptabilité du palmier « Tenera » et la création des plantations collectives par les organisations paysannes de Mateko en République Démocratique du Congo
Innovative Agricultural Practice: The Acceptability of the "Tenera" Palm Tree and the Creation Collective Plantation by Farmers' Organizations in Mateko, Democratic Republic of the Congo The diffusion of new technologies such as those of new agricultural practices generally raises the question of their acceptability. In the context of this study, we seek to evaluate ex ante the factors that favored the adoption of the Tenera-type oil palm (technological innovation) instead of the Dura usually exploited, and the creation of collective palm groves by farmers' organizations. (OP) of Mateko, in the Idiofa territory in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Our survey was carried out among 300 members of existing POs in this area, of whom 200 are involved in the project "Increasing household income with oil palm cultivation of the Tenera type for the forest zone and Acacia auriculiformis in savannah "initiated by the NGO Center for Integral Development (CDI) of Bwamanda. According to these surveys, certain socio-demographic factors strongly influence the acceptance of these innovations in addition to the facilities offered by the CDI. For this purpose, a Logistic model was used and the results of the analysis reveal that age, sex and member status factors in the village, whether Aboriginal or non-native, greatly influenced the decision to accept the Tenera and the creation of collective plantations. POs with members over 30 years of age, those with a majority male membership and those with a high proportion of non-Aboriginal members, were the most adherents to the project.