Technological and Economic Development of Economy (Sep 2005)
Small business optimization
This paper presents a small business that can not be separated from the whole economic system of a state which begins to solve the problems of business. During the last five years a small business in Lithuania is growing rapidly. The most important goal for all profitâ€reaching organisations is the maximization of the profit. It is possible to set the optimal plan of the company according to the tasks of optimisation which is extremely important for this firm. So everything leads to the increasing of the effectiveness of market. Nestambaus verslo optimizavimas Santrauka Nestambus (vidutinis) verslas negali bÅ«ti atskirtas nuo visos Å¡alies ekonominÄ—s sistemos, kuri padeda iÅ¡sprÄ™sti verslo problemas. Nestambus verslas per pastaruosius penkerius metus Lietuvoje augo labai sparÄiai. Svarbiausias visų pelno siekianÄių organizacijų laimÄ—jimas - pelno maksimizavimas. Galima nustatyti optimalų įmonÄ—s planÄ…, atsižvelgiant į optimizavimo užduotis. Taigi sudaromos sÄ…lygos didÄ—ti rinkos efektyvumui. ReikÅ¡miniai žodžiai: nestambus verslas, tarptautinÄ— rinka, ekonominis stiprumas, verslo optimizavimas, sinergetinis efektas, kriterinis rodiklis, iteracinis metodas. First Published Online: 21 Oct 2010