Arta Medica (Nov 2020)


  • Vergil Manole,
  • Veaceslav Chișlari,
  • Vasile Moraru

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 77, no. 4


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Objectives. From ancient times until now the home remains the place where the individual spends most of his old time and indeed it is different health risk factors. The aim of the paper was to assess the risk factors in the homes of students in pre-university education institutions in rural areas. Materials and methods. In order to determine the risk factors in the homes of students from rural localities, from temporarily disintegrated families, a study was organized, which included 80 homes, including 40 homes from temporarily disintegrated families and 40 homes from complete families. This study was organized in the cold and warm period of the year. In order to achieve the objectives, set in this research, a case-control study was performed, using the following methods: hygienic, epidemiological, historical, sociological, descriptive, analytical, statistical (average, average error). Results. In the warm period, the microbiological indicators have the following parameters, namely the total number of germs, in the living space of the complete families is 151.3±2.08/m3, compared to 163.2±2.21/m3 of the temporarily disintegrated families; the number of fungi in the living space of complete families is 22.65±3.56/m3, and in case of temporarily disintegrated families 26.9±5.63/m3. The air temperature in the living space of complete families is 27.74±0.43℃, compared to 28.4±0.37℃ in case of temporarily disintegrated families. The humidity in the living space of complete families is 44.75±2.08%, compared to 44.5±2.21% in case of temporarily disintegrated families. In the cold period, the microbiological examinations of the air in the living rooms, when determining the total number of germs, in the complete families constituted 27.7±2.5/m3, but in case of the temporarily disintegrated families it constituted 28.5±2.54/m3; the number of fungi detected in the living space of complete families was 4.8±1.28/m3, compared to the living space in temporarily disintegrated families – 3.7±0.82/m3. The temperature in the living space of complete families was 17.46±0.7℃, but in case of the temporarily disintegrated families was 17.3±0.41℃; the humidity in the living rooms of complete families is 62.6±2.58%, compared to 65.35±2.54% in case of temporarily disintegrated families. Conclusions. It was found that the share of non-compliance of the results of instrumental and laboratory investigations of physical, chemical and biological indices, which characterize home hygiene, on average, were about 1.2 times higher in the homes of children from temporarily disintegrated families, compared to complete family homes (p <0.05).
