Наука и техника (Dec 2019)
Analysis of the State of the Road Traffic Safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of the study of the road traffic safety on the automobile roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We performed the analysis of the main indicators, specifying the state of the road traffic safety on the automobile roads of the republican significance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In many regulatory acts, such as “The Priority Action Plan for Improving the Road Traffic Safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017–2020”, developed with the support of the Asian Development Bank, and in the “National Concept of Road Traffic Safety” project as well , developed by the Interdepartmental Research Institute called “The Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies” of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the urgent need to improve road traffic safety is clearly pointed. At the same time, it is necessary to have the information about the extent of the existing problem in the field of road traffic safety, which is ensured by the constant consideration and analysis of the statistical indicators, as well as by planning appropriate measures aimed at correcting the situation and achieving planned indicators in the framework of, for example, the national concept of road traffic safety. Currently, statistics on road traffic accidents, occurring in Kazakhstan, are published by the Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounting. However in the current situation, this is not enough, especially since the ARC MIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan outlined the program of actions aimed at eliminating the existing shortcomings in the field of the road traffic safety and significant improving its indicators. The analytical investigation of the status of the road traffic safety on the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. This will become a kind of starting point in the consistent work in this direction, which will provide the interested parties, first of all the experts, with the high-quality and reliable information about the main figures, characterizing the state of safety of the road users. Based on objective accident data, it is possible to take the effective measures aimed at improving the situation on the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan.