Zero-a-seis (Dec 2017)

Changes and persistences in training for nursery and preschool teaching

  • Sílvia Adriana Rodrigues

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 36
pp. 328 – 348


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The reflections brought in the present article are intended to join the debate on the identity and professionalism of teachers of early childhood education, assuming that although Early Childhood Education has been recognized as part of basic education and political-pedagogical guidelines have already been elaborated considering the specificity of this level of education, the daily life which such propositions should gain materiality in some contexts still does not reflect these advances, largely because misperceptions about what it is to be a teacher of young children still persist. In this way, some discussions about beliefs and values that have been associated sociohistorically with the profession that deals with educating and caring for children and that still much interfere in what is understood about being and being in the teaching in the early education, in the sense of contributing for a re-elaboration of the social imaginary and recognition of this as qualified professional activity.
