Millenium (Jul 2022)
Hemostasis of the radial artery after coronary angiography
Introduction: Nowadays, a great number of interventional cardiology procedures are made via radial artery, which has increased the variability of hemostasis methods, devices, and protocols. Objective: The focus of this scoping review is to map the literature on hemostasis of the radial artery after coronary angiography. To date, no previous reviews addressing this purpose have been found. Methods: This review follows the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews. Two reviewers will independently perform the study selection regarding their eligibility. Data extraction will be accomplished using a researcher's developed tool to address the objectives and reviews questions. Any disagreements arisen between the reviewers will be resolved by discussion or consulting a third reviewer. Data synthesis will be presented in tabular form and a narrative summary that align with the review's objective. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension to scoping reviews guidelines will be used to report the results. A set of relevant electronic databases and grey literature will be searched. Results: Mapping the evidence will contribute to identifying the focus of the study, the hemostasis of the radial artery after coronary angiography. Conclusion: It is expected that this review serves as a support to the development of future studies that will improve daily practice.