IEEE Access (Jan 2020)
wKSR-NLM: An Ultrasound Despeckling Filter Based on Patch Ratio and Statistical Similarity
Ultrasound images are affected by the well known speckle phenomenon, that degrades their perceived quality. In recent years, several denoising approaches have been proposed. Among all, those belonging to the non-local (NL) family have shown interesting performance. The main difference among the proposed NL filters is the metric adopted for measuring the similarity between patches. Within this manuscript, a statistical metric based on the ratio between two patches is presented. Compared to other statistical measurements, the proposed one is able to take into account the texture of the patch, to consider a weighting kernel and to limit the computational burden. A comparative analysis with other despeckling filters is presented. The method provided good balance between noise reduction and details preserving both in case of simulated (by means of Field II software) and real (breast tumor) datasets.