Sensors (Jun 2020)

Machine-Learning-Based Muscle Control of a 3D-Printed Bionic Arm

  • Sherif Said,
  • Ilyes Boulkaibet,
  • Murtaza Sheikh,
  • Abdullah S. Karar,
  • Samer Alkork,
  • Amine Nait-ali

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 11
p. 3144


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In this paper, a customizable wearable 3D-printed bionic arm is designed, fabricated, and optimized for a right arm amputee. An experimental test has been conducted for the user, where control of the artificial bionic hand is accomplished successfully using surface electromyography (sEMG) signals acquired by a multi-channel wearable armband. The 3D-printed bionic arm was designed for the low cost of 295 USD, and was lightweight at 428 g. To facilitate a generic control of the bionic arm, sEMG data were collected for a set of gestures (fist, spread fingers, wave-in, wave-out) from a wide range of participants. The collected data were processed and features related to the gestures were extracted for the purpose of training a classifier. In this study, several classifiers based on neural networks, support vector machine, and decision trees were constructed, trained, and statistically compared. The support vector machine classifier was found to exhibit an 89.93% success rate. Real-time testing of the bionic arm with the optimum classifier is demonstrated.
