Majallah-i ̒Ilmī-i Shīlāt-i Īrān (Jan 2005)
An investigation on artificial reproduction of Mugil cephalus
Cultured nine years old breeder M. cephalus specimens were subjected to eight artificial breeding treatments from December till February 2003. In treatments 1-5, breeders received two injections of CPH and LIIRFI—A2 coupled with Domperidone or a mixture of CPH and HCG in an interval of 24 hours. Female breeders in treatments 6-8 received a gradual daily injection of 500 1U HCG per kilogram of body weight for 5 days. Male breeders in treatments 6-8 were given 5-10mg of MT-a-17 in addition to HCG and then subjected to two injections similar to that of treatments 1-5. Results showed that male breeders in stages +2 and +3 of all treatments that had received HCG produced more milt than those injected with MT-a-17, such that each male was used 2-6 times for milting purposes. Of 27 female breeders, 22 spawned 1-2.6 million eggs among which eight females' eggs were fertilized 10-95%. Hatching rate was between 0.008 to 88.9% and a maximum of 2 million larvae were produced. The best time for art.....