Pallas (May 2009)

Mots pour dire les mots. Interactions, acculturations et relations interculturelles dans la Sicile antique (ve-ier siècle avant J.‑C.)

  • Nicola Cusumano

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 79
pp. 41 – 63


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The aim of this text is to propound a reflection around and about the mechanisms of formation and propagation of the lexical tools of research by the moderns in order to comprehend the contact phenomena between different cultural contexts. Attention is here concentrated on a richly suggestive soil, namely modern research on ancient Sicily and the borrowing of words in particular from other disciplinary fields, namely those of anthropology and sociology. The ensuing epistemological issues are dealt with by a to-and-fro movement between certain testimonies from ancient historiography and epigraphy on the one hand and the ceaselessly shifting conceptualisations that characterize modern research on the other hand.
