Zhongguo quanke yixue (Apr 2022)

Analysis and Research on the Characteristics of COVID-19 Epidemic in Urban Village and Its Prevention and Control Strategies in Primary Care Institutions

  • ZHANG Dongying, YAO Mi, LIU Manling, GUO Fagang, WU Jiang, WANG Baoji, XIAO Baojun, XU Jing, LAI Yanmei, ZHENG Jinping

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 11
pp. 1383 – 1386


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BackgroundFor a period of time, the outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak in many urban villages in our country had caused concern. The dense and complex population structure of urban villages, with their inter-regional mobility, posed a challenge to the prevention and control of the epidemic.ObjectiveUrban village areasare more prone to regional outbreaks of infectious diseases because of their spatial environment, demographic characteristics, cross-regional mobility and the characteristics of residents' medical treatment behavior. The purpose of this study was tounderstand the characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic situation in urban villages and the current situation and difficulties of primary care institutions in carrying out COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control measures, in order to provide references for primary care institutions to deal with normalized prevention and control, social dynamic clearing work and future infectious disease prevention and control.MethodsBy using public opinion analysis, literature retrieval, online interviews with epidemic prevention and control personnel and experts in urban village, the epidemic situation, prevention and control status of urban village were summarized, and the existing weak links and important loopholes were analyzed.ResultsBased on the relevant information, a total of six points of concern were extracted: (1) The number of mapping and screening objects was large, which was the focus and difficulty of epidemic prevention and control work in urban villages. (2) There was not strict closed-loop management lead to virus carriers who were not timely controlled, which caused a risk of spreading the epidemic. (3) The prevention and control of nosocomial infection in primary care institutions was not in place. (4) There were loopholes in the inspection of close contacts in the principle of territorial management; close contacts who did not live and work in the same administrative area but only screened in their living places, which may lead to the spread of the epidemic in workplaces where secondary close contacts may be at risk of infection were not screened in a timely manner. (5) Overload had become the norm, highlighting the large gap in primary health care manpower. (6) During the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, residents were paralyzed and careless, and the phenomenon of not wearing masks in public places and crowd gathering was common. Health education still needs to be strengthened and emphasized that residents were the first responsible for their own health.ConclusionPrimary care providers played an important role in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in urban village by undertaking community management, outpatient treatment, public health services, health education, vaccination, quarantine hotel stationing, joint prevention and control, etc. It was recommended that additional fever sentinel clinics be set up for early detection and isolation to avoid further spread of the epidemic, rental houses be requisitioned to meet the demand for isolated medical observation, primary care institutions be strengthened for hospitalization and prevention, green relief channels be opened to protect special groups from medical treatment, volunteers be organized to reinforce primary care institutions, and health education emphasized that residents were the first to be responsible for maintaining their own health and raised personal awareness of the risk of COVID-19 prevention and control.
