Proceedings (Jun 2020)
Measurements of the Flight Trajectory of a Spinning Soccer Ball and the Magnus Force Acting on It
The trajectory of a soccer ball, kicked with a spin to curve it into the goal, is strongly influenced by aerodynamic factors such as the Magnus force. Several studies using a wind-tunnel and high-speed cameras have investigated the Magnus force acting on a spinning soccer ball. However, the exact effect of the Magnus force on the trajectory of a spinning soccer ball in free flight remains unclear. This study set out to use an optical three-dimensional motion-capture system to record the details of the flight of such a spinning soccer ball. The maximum curvature of the ball’s trajectory occurred in the middle of its flight. The sideways-directed Magnus force acting on the ball decreased as the ball’s speed decreased during the entire flight. Thus, it was concluded that the deflection of the trajectory of the ball decreases as the sideways-acting force decreases throughout the flight.