Physical Review X (Nov 2024)
Emergent Properties of the Periodic Anderson Model: A High-Resolution, Real-Frequency Study of Heavy-Fermion Quantum Criticality
We study paramagnetic quantum criticality in the periodic Anderson model (PAM) using cellular dynamical mean-field theory (CDMFT), with the numerical renormalization group (NRG) as a cluster impurity solver. The PAM describes itinerant c electrons hybridizing with a lattice of localized f electrons. At zero temperature, it exhibits a much-studied quantum phase transition from a Kondo phase to a Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) phase when the hybridization is decreased through a so-called Kondo breakdown quantum critical point (KB QCP). There, Kondo screening of f spins by c electrons breaks down, so that f excitations change their character from somewhat itinerant to mainly localized, while c excitations remain itinerant. Building on Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 256404 (2008)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.101.256404, which interpreted the KB transition as an orbital-selective Mott transition, we here elucidate its nature in great detail by performing a high-resolution, real-frequency study of various dynamical quantities (susceptibilities, self-energies, and spectral functions). NRG allows us to study the quantum critical regime governed by the QCP and located between two temperature scales, T_{FL}<T_{NFL}. In this regime, we find fingerprints of non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior in several dynamical susceptibilities. Surprisingly, CDMFT self-consistency is essential to stabilize the QCP and the NFL regime. The Fermi-liquid (FL) scale T_{FL} decreases toward and vanishes at the KB QCP; at temperatures below T_{FL}, FL behavior emerges. At T=0, we find the following properties. The KB transition is continuous. The f quasiparticle weight decreases continuously as the transition is approached from either side, vanishing only at the KB QCP. Therefore, the quasiparticle weight of the f band is nonzero not only in the Kondo phase, but also in the RKKY phase; hence, the FL quasiparticles comprise c and f electrons in both phases. The Fermi surface (FS) volumes in the two phases differ, implying a FS reconstruction at the KB QCP. Whereas the large-FS Kondo phase has a two-band structure as expected, the small-FS RKKY phase unexpectedly has a three-band structure. We provide a detailed analysis of quasiparticle properties of both the Kondo and, for the first time, also the RKKY phase and uncover their differences. The FS reconstruction is accompanied by the appearance of a Luttinger surface on which the f self-energy diverges. The volumes of the Luttinger and Fermi surfaces are related to the charge density by a generalized Luttinger sum rule. We interpret the small FS volume and the emergent Luttinger surface as evidence for f-electron fractionalization in the RKKY phase. Finally, we compute the temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient and the specific heat, finding good qualitative agreement with experiments.