Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research (May 2025)
Magnetic Field Effects on Convective Heat Transfer of Ferrofluid from a Heated Sphere in Porous Media
The impact of a magnetic field on the convective heat transfer of ferrofluids from a heated sphere immersed in a porous medium is investigated. The dimensional governing boundary layer equations are initially transformed into a convenient non-dimensional form utilizing the non-dimensional variables. The resulting nonlinear systems of equations are then numerically solved inside the computing domain into a regular rectangle using the effective Finite Difference Method (FDM). Numerical outcomes are then represented in terms of local Nusselt number, velocity, temperature profile, and skin friction coefficient, respectively for a range of porosity parameters, ϵ = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, magnetic effect parameter or Hartmann number, Ha = 0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 and the ferroparticle volume fraction coefficients, ϕ = 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%. It is thought that the base fluid’s Prandtl number, Pr=6.8733, is constant. In addition, the flow pattern inside the boundary layer region is shown using streamlines and isotherms, and the underlying physics of the flow behavior is then explored. There is a graphical presentation of the data. The findings show that velocity decreases with increasing value Ha, ϕ and ϵ. An increase in the Hartmann number Ha causes the temperature to rise. The local N_u and C_(f )are decreasing as Ha and ϕ values increase. With an increase in the porosity parameter ϵ and ϕ, the temperature profile rises and the C_f and local N_u decrease. For increasing Ha, the figure of streamlines seems to depict functions with more gradual changes, and for isotherms, it represents functions with sharper, exponential-like increases. While many works focus on ferrofluids or porous media individually, combining the study of heat transfer in ferrofluids within porous structures can represent a distinct focus. The problem is crucial for developing advanced heat transfer technologies for more efficient energy management in various engineering applications.