Životné prostredie (Jun 2020)
Využitie priestorových údajov diaľkového prieskumu Zeme v presnom poľnohospodárstve ako prevencia rozvoja erózie pôdy/ Using Spatial Data from Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture to Prevent Soil Erosion Development
Precision farming relies on the knowledge of differences in land characteristics, and these enable us to treat any given area with individually applied cultivation technology. This reduces inputs and costs, and has a positive effect on soil properties with the elimination of soil degradation processes. This study examines the possibilities of preventing soil erosion in precision farming using spatial data acquired from remote land sensing. This method provides precise identification of soil erosion processes essential to ensure precision farming, Here, we applied remote land sensing for erosion research and the most important components of the digital relief model for precision farming. This was obtained by processing both aerial photogrammetry and aerial landscape scanning information These methods enabled processing an erosion map and identifying erosion risk sites which require altered cultivation technology to ensure precision farming.