Anale: Seria Informatică (Dec 2009)
Parameterized Complexity on a New Sorting Algorithm: A Study in Simulation
Sundararajan and Chakraborty (2007) introduced a new sorting algorithm by modifying the fast and popular Quick sort and removing the interchanges. In a subsequent empirical study, Sourabh, Sundararajan and Chakraborty (2007) demonstrated that this algorithm sorts inputs from certain probability distributions faster than others and the authors made a list of some standard probability distributions in decreasing order of speed, namely, Continuous uniform < Discrete uniform < Binomial < Negative Binomial < Poisson < Geometric < Exponential < Standard Normal. It is clear from this interesting second study that the algorithm is sensitive to input probability distribution. Based on these previous findings, in the present paper we are motivated to do some further study on this sorting algorithm through simulation and determine the appropriate empirical model which explains its average sorting time with special emphasis on parametrized complexity.