Nuclear Materials and Energy (Dec 2018)
Grain size reduction strategies on Eurofer
One of the options currently taken into account for the realization of the first DEMO reactor is the “water-cooled blanket”. This option implies a minimum irradiation temperature for the blanket material in the range of 280–350 °C. In addition to the DBTT (Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature) shift due to the DPA (displacement per atom) damage under irradiation, also the issue of the increased embrittlement due to He production must be taken into account. This issue appears even more detrimental and less manageable because the DBBT shift due to the Helium production does not saturate with the dose, as it results from previous works reported in literature. The experimental results and the difference in behaviour between ODS (Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels) RAFM (Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic) and other FM (Ferritic Martensitic) alloys (EM10, P91) showed that it is possible to improve the resistance to He embrittlement by both intra-granular precipitation of Y-Ti oxides and by decreasing the grain size at the same time. Nevertheless, anyway, the multiplication of the grain boundaries increases the dilution of He on grain surface, delaying the formation of He bubbles on grain boundaries and, therefore, the susceptibility to the He embrittlement. Several grain size reduction strategies have then been investigated on EUROFER both at the austenitization stage, on the PAGS (Prior Austenite Grain Size), and at the tempering stage, on the tempered martensite. The microstructural observations have been carried out by means of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). Also the effect of grain size reduction on the toughness of the material will be taken into account; The DBTTs resulting from impact tests on KLST specimens will be shown. The outcomes of the microstructural observations, as well as the preliminary mechanical characterization (impact tests) will be discussed in this paper. Keywords: EUROFER 97, RAFM steels, Microstructure, Multiple normalization, Asymmetric rolling, Recrystallization, KLST