Insisiva Dental Journal (Jan 2013)
The Influence Of Temperature And Longing Of Soak Towards Absorbing Water In The Basic Of Denture Thermoplastic Nylon
Thermoplastic nylon is a polymer synthetic used as the basic material of denture and able to absorb water because of the existence of polar element (COOH-), so that it is hydrophilic. Water is absorbed through diffusion process which the diffusion coefficient is influenced by temperature and time of longing of soak will raise the absorbing water till saturation point. The goal of this research is for knowing the influence of temperature and longing of soak towards absorbing water in the basic of denture thermoplastic nylon. The research uses sample thermoplastic nylon with size of diameter x height (50±1mm x 0.5±0.1mm) as much as 15 samples which is divided into 3 groups, previous mass each of sample and also measured the volume. Empty the sample into beaker glass fulfilled of aquades 100ml then incubated. The first group is incubated in 250C, the second group 370C, the third group 550C, observed in 5 days, every 24 hours the samples are balanced their changing of mass. The results are formulated with (m1 – m0)/V, then analyzed with Two Way Anova and LSD0,05. The result of testing Two Way Anova that is the temperature able to influence (p=0,0000,05), longing of soak able to influence (p=0,0000,05), while the temperature and longing of soak are not influenced toward the absorbing water in the basic of denture thermoplastic nylon, because p=0,9940,05.