Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2020)
Rodzina „sanktuarium” życia w obliczu współczesnych zagrożeń w świetle Evangelium Vitae Jana Pawła II
This study addresses the sacredness of human life as a gift of God’s love. Today’s ideological, social, cultural, and philosophical and anthropological theories of new humanism perceive human being and at the same time deprive him of his most fundamental personal identity, dignity and value, reducing his essence. In the encyclical Evangelium vitae, John Paul II points to the family as a sanctuary of personal life. The communion of love of the spouses is the most natural and compliant with the order of creation environment for the adoption of new life, its protection and defense of fundamental rights. In the family, human life finds the best conditions for growth and development based on an unconditional gift of love. In a family understood in this way, man, thanks to God’s grace, becomes fully human, in accordance with the plan of the Creator, realizing the purpose for which he was called to come into existence: getting to know God and entering with him a communion of life and love.