Red blood cell alloantibodies in paediatric transfusion in sub‐Saharan Africa: A new cohort and literature review
Macoura Gadji,
Guéda Cobar,
Alioune Thiongane,
Alioune Badara Senghor,
Rose Seck,
Blaise Félix Faye,
Moussa Seck,
Youssou Bamar Guéye,
Diariétou Sy,
Abibatou Sall,
Awa Oumar Toure,
Tandakha Ndiaye Diéye,
Saliou Diop
Macoura Gadji
Service of Haematology and Oncology‐Haematology (HBOH) Department of Biology and Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Odonto‐Stomatology (FMPOS) University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) Dakar Senegal
Guéda Cobar
Service of Haematology and Oncology‐Haematology (HBOH) Department of Biology and Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Odonto‐Stomatology (FMPOS) University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) Dakar Senegal
Alioune Thiongane
Service of Paediatrics Department of Medicine, Hospital Albert Royer of Fann Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Odonto‐Stomatology (FMPOS) University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) Dakar Senegal
Alioune Badara Senghor
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Rose Seck
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Blaise Félix Faye
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Moussa Seck
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Youssou Bamar Guéye
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Diariétou Sy
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Abibatou Sall
Service of Haematology Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Odonto‐Stomatology (FMPOS) University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) Dakar Senegal
Awa Oumar Toure
Service of Biology Hospital Aristide le Dantec Dakar Senegal
Tandakha Ndiaye Diéye
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Saliou Diop
National Centre of Blood Transfusion (CNTS) Dakar Senegal
Abstract Blood transfusion support predisposes transfused children to the risk of erythrocyte alloimmunization in Sub‐Saharan Africa. A cohort of 100 children receiving one to five blood transfusions were recruited for screening and identification of irregular antibodies using gel filtration technique. The mean age was 8 years and the sex‐ratio at 1.2. The retrieved pathologies were: major sickle cell anaemia (46%), severe malaria (20%), haemolytic anaemia (4%), severe acute malnutrition (6%), acute gastroenteritis (5%), chronic infectious syndrome (12%) and congenital heart disease (7%). The children presented with haemoglobin levels ≤6 g/dl, and 16% of them presented positive irregular antibodies directed against the Rhesus (30.76%) and Kell (69.24%) blood group systems. A literature review shows that irregular antibody screenings vary from 17% to 30% of transfused paediatric patients in Sub‐Saharan Africa. These alloantibodies are in particular directed against the Rhesus, Kell, Duffy, Kidd and MNS blood group and generally found in sickle cell disease and malaria. This study highlights the urgent need of extended red blood cell phenotyping including typing for C/c, E/e, K/k, and Fya/Fyb, and if possible Jka/Jkb, M/N, and S/s for children before transfusion in Sub‐Saharan Africa.