Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія (Dec 2017)

Ukrainian Literary Intelligentsia of Galicia and Bukovyna in Relations with the «Prosvita» (the end of the Nineteenth and the beginning of the Twentieth Century)

  • Mykola Guivaniuk

Journal volume & issue
no. 46


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The article proves that the cooperation of the Ukrainian writers of Galicia and Bukovina with «Prosvita» made it possible for them to be better disclosed - while combining their literary talent and educational and organizational work among the population. In general, the collaboration of the writers with «Prosvita» took place in two directions - by publishing their works in the publications of the company and directly participating in the organization of the activities of its affiliates. It is noted that from well-known writers honorary members of «Prosvita» were M.Ustijanovich, M.Hrushevsky, K.Levytsky and I.Franko. Since the Prosvita Society was influenced by the national ideology, then, first of all, the representatives or sympathizers of this movement were grouped in the Ukrainian national movement. Outside of Lviv, writers were somewhat more comfortable to work with local «Prosvita» affiliates. This was due to the lesser influence of representatives of the main branch of the society in Lviv, which gave the local heads of affiliates and readers of «Prosvita» greater freedom of action. Keywords: «Prosvita», Galicia, Bukovina, Ukrainian writers
