IEEE Access (Jan 2022)
Dense Feature Matching Based on Homographic Decomposition
Finding robust and accurate feature matches is a fundamental problem in computer vision. However, incorrect correspondences and suboptimal matching accuracies lead to significant challenges for many real-world applications. In conventional feature matching, corresponding features in an image pair are greedily searched using their descriptor distance. The resulting matching set is then typically used as input for geometric model fitting methods to find an appropriate fundamental matrix and filter out incorrect matches. Unfortunately, this basic approach cannot solve all practical problems, such as fundamental matrix degeneration, matching ambiguities caused by repeated patterns and rejection of initially mismatched features without further reconsideration. In this paper we introduce a novel matching pipeline, which addresses all of the aforementioned challenges at once: First, we perform iterative rematching to give mismatched feature points a further chance for being considered in later processing steps. Thereby, we are searching for inliers that exhibit the same homographic transformation per iteration. The resulting homographic decomposition is used for refining matches, occlusion detection (e.g. due to parallaxes) and extrapolation of additional features in critical image areas. Furthermore, Delaunay triangulation of the matching set is utilized to minimize the repeated pattern problem and to implement focused matching. Doing so, enables us to further increase matching quality by concentrating on local image areas, defined by the triangular mesh. We present and discuss experimental results with multiple real-world matching datasets. Our contributions, besides improving matching recall and precision for image processing applications in general, also relate to use cases in image-based computer graphics.