Литосфера (Sep 2019)
Genetic models of mineralization associated with quartz veins (on the example of crystal and gold mineralization)
Background. Any exploration work involves difficulties associated with a rapid assessment of the development prospects of the discovered ore occurrences, flanks and deep horizons of the exploited fields, new vein bodies within the known ore fields and nodes. Under these conditions, knowledge of the genetic models of formation of gold and crystal mineralization, genetically associated with quartz veins, gains a particular importance.Aim. There is a widespread opinion that the presence of industrially applicable crystal is characteristic only of barren quartz veins. As a result, it is such formations that attract the interest of researchers searching for deposits of rock crystal. However, a large number of ore minerals have been found in the crystal-bearing quartz-vein deposits in the Urals, both in the vein bodies and in the crystal cavities.Results. The analysis of a large amount of factual material carried out to reveal regularities of location of quartz-vein formations in the Ural deposits of crystal-like and gold mineralization testifies to the confinement of quartz-vein fields to suture zones, representing narrow extended tectonic ensembles of a complex geological structure, genetically and spatially associated with long-lived faults of deep laying. The formation of quartz veins refers only to certain stages of the deposit development, while the deposits themselves are always confined to certain structural elements. These structural elements determine the subsequent formation of ore fields, which frequently undergo significant transformations.Conclusions. The metamorphic and metasomatic zonality, various thermodynamic conditions of formation are manifested in the typomorphic features of vein quartz: its internal structure, chemical purity, light transmission, presence of microdefects. These features reflect the peculiarities of quartz genesis and can be used as criteria for forecasting and evaluation of geological objects, particularly during initial stages of the exploration work.