Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nov 2018)
Ore mineralization of the southern flank of the Khizovaara structure
The Khizovara structure of the North Karelian greenstone belt is characterized by nonmetallic ore mineralization. Industrial minerals associated with the structure of the homonymous ore field include kyanite, garnet, muscovite, staurolite, graphite, quartz. In the southern flank of the structure there is a deposit “Vysota-181”, where the main industrial mineral is garnet with a 10–35 % content in productive ores. The deposits of the structure at large are characterized by the main industrial minerals represented by kyanite with pyrite and graphite, muscovite, while garnet and staurolite are found in thinlenses. The article presents data on garnet ores of the “Vysota-181” deposit and compares their composition and formation conditions with ore complexes of another partof the Khizovara structure. The results of the research show that the most productive ores of the “Vysota-181” deposit and other deposits of the Khizovara structure are formed fromthe protolith of terrigenous, sedimentary-volcanic and volcanic rocks of the andesite series with the polychronous metamorphism of the amphibolite facies and metasomatism, while the southern flank of the structure features the formation of garnet-bearing rocks as a result of the basic metasomatism of the staurolite-garnet facies.