Journal of Curriculum Studies (Mar 2007)
Michael Fullan文化變革領導理論對校長課程領導的啟示Michael Fullan’s “Theory of Cultural Changing Leadership”: Implications for Principal’s Curriculum
本文鑑於過去有關校長課程領導的相關文獻,其觀點多從課程領導的內涵與課程領導者的作為或策略來描述,對於課程領導本質的理解較少探討,因而引介Fullan文化變革領導理論,嘗試以文化變革理論觀點探討課程領導,以提供校長在課程領導時的參考。 本文首先指出文化變革領導理論的時代背景與二十世紀後期的外在環境及學校教師的困境有關,其理論內涵大要為深度理解變革的意義,包括變革是一個充滿未知的旅程難以強制它依既定的程序前進、要避免掉入微管理的陷阱、深度變革是一種系統性的轉變、清晰明確的共同願景與策略太早出現是危險的、建立信賴關係是變革成功不可或缺的要素。此外,也包括文化變革領導理論的終極目標在於實踐道德目的,也提醒領導者要重新定義問題與衝突,並強調領導者的情緒智慧,並明確指出改變環境脈絡與文化再生及政策的透明性與一致性是校長的重要工作,最後應建立專業學習社群與合作文化以提升學校效能。本文接著對其理論評析,發現該理論是多重理論的聚合,且能從實證研究中建構理論以發展策略,並以成功案例為典範,兼重特徵與歷程的探究。但同時也指出該理論重視鉅觀,尚缺乏微觀問題的解決策略;理論建基在企業管理理論,於教育現場的應用上有其限制;理論背景係歐美國家,在我國的教育現場使用應審慎。最後提出文化變革領導理論對校長課程領導的啟示,包括將課程領導理解為學校文化變革的歷程,提升課程領導視野以追求公共的善,並應去除偏狹的學校行政領導觀念,改革學校文化以激勵教師的熱情與承諾,而且課程領導應依步驟循序漸進。 The purpose of this study is to explore the implications for principals’ curriculum leadership through the perspective of the Fullan’s theory of cultural changing leadership and further offer advice to the principal based on the implications of this theory. The main findings are as follow: 1.The theory develops from the dilemmas of educational practice and the main ideas of this theory are: the moral purpose is central to change; leadership is as a process of change; the leaders should establish a moral purpose, deeply understand change, build a good rapport, foster the teachers’ knowledge, make coherence, create a setting of hope, passion, and energy; and above all inspire the teachers’ commitment to change for the improvement of school. 2.There are six critiques of the theory: it is composed with multi-theory which Fullan calls “a remarkable convergence”; it is based on the researches of education practice and also develops strategies for solutions with a closer look at the characteristics and process of the cases; it lacks the solutions to the classroom practical problems; and it is limited in the application of this theory which builds on the bases of business management theories and construct in the Western background. 3.There are five implications for principal’s curriculum leadership from the theory: curriculum leadership is as a process of cultural changing leadership; the goal of curriculum leadership is to accomplish a moral purpose and common good; the scope of principal’s leadership should not be constricted in administration leadership, promote teacher’s professional commitment and restructure school’s culture; effective curriculum leadership should be based on reasonable processes.