Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии (Sep 2018)
Zhuravlevo ceramics assemblage of the early iron age from the Borki 1 settlement (according to the 2013–2014 study)
This article presents the results of a technical and technological analysis carried out to investigate Zhuravlevo-type ceramics collected from the Borki 1 settlement located in the Ishim river basin (W. Siberia). Ceramics samples were analysed using the historical and cultural approach and methods developed by A.A. Bobrinsky. The conducted research has revealed the heterogeneity of traditions among potters in the Zhuravlevo culture in selecting raw materials, who primarily used clay sand and silt clay. The analysis of the moulding compositions has shown that chamotte and organic additives were frequently used; however, in some cases, chamotte was not added. When constructing vessels, patches were used as building elements. The surface treatment of ceramics was largely performed by smoothing objects with spatulas, wooden scrapers or knives. Only a quarter of the vessels under study have the signs of sealing or polishing. The vessels were fired in simple hearths. Vessels were decorated using smooth stamps, or, less frequently, comb stamps. Various ornament elements made by surface treatment tools — wooden spatulas or knives — were rather customary. The ceramics of the Zhuravlevo type is characterised by «pearl» belts, or, less frequently, holes. Ornamental motifs most commonly included inclined, vertical or arranged in a staggered order stamp prints or angle, grid, horizontal herringbone or vertical zigzag patterns. The comparison of the manufacturing style of Zhuravlevo vessels with that found in the assemblage of Krasnozerska culture (Ishim basin) shows the similarity of pottery traditions in these population groups. At the same time, the results of our study evidence to the appearance of features inherent in the Early Iron Age pottery in terms of both the technology of manufacturing vessels and their ornamentation. The conducted research suggests a continuity between the Krasnozerka and Zhuravlevo cultural traditions in the Ishim basin.