Earth's Future (Nov 2023)

Frequent but Predictable Droughts in East Africa Driven by a Walker Circulation Intensification

  • Chris Funk,
  • Andreas H. Fink,
  • Laura Harrison,
  • Zewdu Segele,
  • Hussen S. Endris,
  • Gideon Galu,
  • Diriba Korecha,
  • Sharon Nicholson

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 11
pp. n/a – n/a


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Abstract During and after recent La Niña events, the decline of the eastern East African (EA) March‐April‐May (MAM) rains has set the stage for life‐threatening sequential October‐November‐December (OND) and MAM droughts. The MAM 2022 drought was the driest on record, preceded by three poor rainy seasons, and followed by widespread starvation. Connecting these dry seasons is an interaction between La Niña and climate change. This interaction provides important opportunities for long‐lead prediction and proactive disaster risk management, but needs exploration. Here, for the first time, we use observations, reanalyses, and climate change simulations to show that post‐1997 OND La Niña events are robust precursors of: (a) strong MAM “Western V sea surface temperature Gradients” in the Pacific, which (b) help produce large increases in moisture convergence and atmospheric heating near Indonesia, which in turn produce (c) regional shifts in moisture transports and vertical velocities, which (d) help explain the increased frequency of dry EA MAM rainy seasons. We also show that, at 20‐year time scales, increases in atmospheric heating in the Indo‐Pacific Warm Pool region are attributable to warming Western V SST, which is in turn largely attributable to climate change. As energy builds up in the oceans and atmosphere, during and after La Niña events, we see stronger heating and heat convergence over warm tropical waters near Indonesia. The result of this causal chain is that increased Warm Pool atmospheric heating and moisture convergence sets the stage for dangerous sequential droughts in EA. These factors link EA drying to a stronger Walker Circulation and explain the predictable risks associated with recent La Niña events.
