Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jan 2013)


  • Bagus Haryono

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2
pp. 287 – 307


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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan hybrid model Integrasi Sosial pada 333 responden suku Tionghoa-Jawa di YK dan SKA. Hybrid model di YK, SKA, YK-SKA dengan LISREL 8.80 ditemukan 7, 8 dan 6 jumlah pengaruh dengan t signifikan. Namun structural model di YK lebih baik, dibandingkan SKA ataupun YK-SKA dalam menjelaskan Simpati sebesar (79%); (56%) dan (64%), Aksi (94%); (59%) dan (79%), dan Integrasi Sosial (90%); (75% ) dan (83%). Pengaruh Simpati paling kuat (0,68) menentukan Integrasi Sosial, diikuti oleh SES (0,60), Pen-didikan Nilai Demokrasi/PND (0,33) dan Aksi (0,31). Pengaruh Simpati (0,78), PND (0,75) dan Aksi (0,46) terkuat di YK. SES terkuat pengaruhnya di SKA (0,73). Overall measurement model di YK-SKA ditemukan fit, valid dan reliabel sebagai indikator multidimensi. Multi-factors within construct error covariance measure-ment model di YK (ketika mengukur Integrasi Sosial), sedangkan di SKA (ketika mengukur PND dan Aksi). Kata kunci: estimasi parameter, integrasi sosial, hybrid model ______________________________________________________________ THE ESTIMATION ON THE PARAMETERS OF SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF CHINESE-JAVANESE ETHNIC GROUPS IN YOGYAKARTA AND SURAKARTA: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A HYBRID MODEL Abstract This study aims to develop a hybrid model of social integration on 333 respondents of Chinese-Javanese in YK and SKA. The hybrid model in YK, SKA, and YK-SKA using LISREL 8.80 found 7, 8, and 6 effects with significant t. The structural model in YK, SKA and YK-SKA explains Sympathy as much as 79%, 56%, and 64%, Action (94%, 59%, 79%), and Social Integration (90%, 75%, 83%). The strongest effect of Sympathy (0.68) determines Social Integration, followed by SES (0.60), Democratic Value Education (0.33), and Action (0.31). The total effects of Sympathy (0.78), DVE (0.75), and Action (0.46) on Social Integration are the strongest in YK and SES on Social Integration is the strongest in SKA (0.73). The overall measurement model in YK-SKA is found to be fit, valid, and reliable as indicators of multidimension. The multi-factors within construct error covariance measurement are found in YK (when measuring Sosial Integration) and SKA (when measuing DVE and Action) Keywords: parameter estimation, social integration, hybrid model
