Zdorovʹe Rebenka (Nov 2016)

Differentiated Diagnosis of Esophagitis in Schoolchildren

  • S.L. Nyankovskyy,
  • M.I. Horodylovska,
  • V.A. Ivantsiv,
  • O.I. Boyko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 8.76
pp. 56 – 61


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Background. The questions of classification and differentiated diagnosis of esophagitis in schoolchildren have been reviewed. The paper describes the most typical symptoms of esophagitis of different origin. Materials and methods. The study involved 60 school-age children with clinical symptoms of esophagitis. Diagnosis was confirmed by endoscopy and morphologically. Local or diffuse erythema and swelling of the mucous membrane were identified in all the children, multiple whitish layers was in 53.3 % of children, linear erosion was in 40 % of children by the endoscopy results. Results. The most common morphological changes were hyperemia of vascular microcirculation in 85 %, vacuolar dystrophy of epithelial cells in 76.7 % of cases, diapedetic hemorrhages in 63.3 % of cases, destruction of keratohyalin granules in 50 % of cases. Conclusions. We need a new diagnostic approach using the totality of modern diagnostic methods that can help verify the correct diagnosis and determine the directions of further treatment. Morphological study is determinative for esophagitis diagnosis.
