Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (Jan 2020)
Reflections on the evolution of the cereals' market in Romania
The objectives of the paper are to provide a picture with the main characteristics and the dynamics of the cereals' market from Romania in the last decades, before and after Romanian EU accession. This image and the personal comments are presented in the direct connection with the actual context of high level of competitiveness at regional level, EU level and international level. Generally, the cereals' market has had a dynamic evolution at international level, also regional level. Romania is part of the Black Sea Region, also EU member, two important cereals players in the world. Romania has the major Eastern port of the EU on the Black Sea coast, Constanta, which is the main door for EU cereal trade to East. This is the reasons why we analyse the evolution of the cereals' market from Romania before and after EU accession and we want to emphasize the transformations of the Romanian market during this period. The applied methodology contains a statistical analysis based on areas, yields and production indicators, also the trade flows. It is analysed long series of data provided by the Romanian National Institute of Statistics, Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, also FAO and Eurostat where they were useful. Besides these, we use results of qualitative analysis based on interviews and opinion of experts in the field, information, declarations and comments published in press, by officials from administration or business. The results of the analysis emphasis the present state of the Romanian market, the evolution in the last decades, also the main constraints for a better evolution of the cereals' market in Romania, the improvements and the main challenges for the future.