Клінічна хірургія (May 2019)

Results of transplantation of the hepatic right part from living familial donor

  • О. G. Коtenko,
  • А. А. Minich,
  • О. V. Hrynenko,
  • О. О. Popov,
  • А. V. Gusev,
  • M. S. Grygorian,
  • D. О. Fedorov,
  • V. I. Yednak,
  • К. О. Yuzvyk,
  • А. I. Zhylenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 86, no. 5
pp. 17 – 21


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Objective. To estimate the immediate and late results in recipients while transplantation of the hepatic right part with median hepatic vein and without her. Маterials and methods. Postoperative data about 86 patients, to whom the hepatic right half was transplanted in 2003 - 2018 yrs., with the objective to estimate the impact of presence of median hepatic vein in the transplant on the morbidity rate development, were analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups: Group I - the patients, to whom the hepatic right half was transplanted without median hepatic vein, while Group II - the patients, to whom the hepatic right half was transplanted with median hepatic vein. Results. The investigation have revealed a higher rate of vascular complications in patients, to whom the hepatic right half was transplanted without median hepatic vein, comparing with the patients, to whom the hepatic right half was transplanted with median hepatic vein. The infection-septic complications have developed more frequently in patients, to whom the hepatic right part was transplanted without median hepatic vein. Nonspecific surgical morbidity developed in 10 (23.3%) patients of the Group I and in 8 (18.6%) patients of the Group II. The rate of development of the small hepatic transplant syndrome was higher in the Group I. Оne-year, two-year and five-year survival in the Group I have constituted 79, 72 and 69% accordingly, in the Group II - 83, 74 and 70% accordingly. Conclusion. Our experience of performance of the hepatic right half transplantation witnesses, that presence of median hepatic vein in the transplant correlates with lowering of the postoperative morbidity rate, as well as with frequency of development the small hepatic transplant syndrome, postoperative mortality and the stationary stay duration.
