Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia ()

Anesthesia for surgical repair of the pentalogy of Cantrell: case report

  • Jorge Victor da Silva Costa,
  • Carlos Eduardo Coimbra Melonio,
  • Ciro Bezerra Vieira,
  • Caio Marcio Barros de Oliveira,
  • Plínio da Cunha Leal,
  • Elizabeth Teixeira Noguera Servín,
  • Lyvia Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Gomes,
  • Ed Carlos Rey Moura



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Abstract Pentalogy of Cantrell is a congenital anomaly associated with defects in the abdominal wall, sternum, diaphragm, and diaphragmatic pericardium formation, in addition to the development of cardiac abnormalities. It is a rare disease with an estimated incidence of one case for every 65,000 births, being more common in males (60% of cases). It has a reserved prognosis with mortality around 63%, and a maximum of 9 months survival after surgery. There are few case reports addressing the pentalogy of Cantrell, which is justified by the rarity of this pathology. In this report our objective was to describe a surgical case of a female patient and make some anesthetic considerations about this rare congenital malformation.
