Journal of Clinical and Basic Research (Oct 2017)

Imperforate Hymen and Hydrocolpos: A Case Report

  • Halimberdi Taneh,
  • Mahnaz Shahmiri,
  • Ghorban Mohammad Kouchaki,
  • Zahra Rouyani,
  • Maryam Chehregosha,
  • Ali Akbar Aghaeinejhad,
  • Soheyla Kalantari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 3
pp. 20 – 24


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Introduction: Although the exact incidence rate of vaginal atresia is not clear, studies show that this disorder is often accompanied with imperforate hymen associated with hydrocolpos. We  reported a 30-day-old infant with vaginal atresia and hydrocolpos secondary to imperforate hymen who went under a two-stage vaginoplasty for treatment. Case description: The patient was a 30-day-old female infant who was referred to the Taleghani Hospital in Gorgan with symptoms of abdominal distension and urinary retention, in 2016. The patient went under emergency laparotomy.  A large hydrocolpos was observed in the initial exploration. Fluid within the hydrocolpos was drained. A week later, the second surgery was done for vaginal repair and hymen reconstruction. Conclusion: We performed a two-stage vaginoplasty that consisted hydrocolpos drainage in the first stage and hymen repair by cruciate incision in the second stage. Early use of imaging techniques and surgical treatment can prevent the secondary complications of the disorder such as hydronephrosis and sepsis.
