IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (Jan 2024)
Cortical ROI Importance Improves MI Decoding From EEG Using Fused Light Neural Network
Decoding motor imagery (MI) using deep learning in cortical level has potential in brain computer interface based intelligent rehabilitation. However, a mass of dipoles is inconvenient to extract the personalized features and requires a more complex neural network. In consideration of the structural and functional similarity of the neurons in a neuroanatomical region, i.e., a region of interest (ROI), we propose that the comprehensive performance of each ROI may be reflected by a specific representative dipole (RD), and the time-frequency spectrums of all RDs are applied simultaneously to Random Forest algorithm to give a quantitative metric of each ROI importance (RI). Then, the more divided sub-band spectral powers are reinforced by RI, and they are interpolated to a 2-dimensional (2D) plane transformed from 3D space of all RDs, yielding an ensemble representation of RD feature image sequences (ERDFIS). Furthermore, a lightweight network, including 2D separable convolution and gated recurrent unit (2DSCG), is developed to extract and classify the frequency-spatial and temporal features from ERDFIS, forming a novel MI decoding method in cortical level (called ERDFIS-2DSCG). Based on two public datasets, the decoding accuracies of ten-fold cross-validation are 89.89% and 94.35%, respectively. The results suggest that RD can embody the overall property of ROI in time-frequency-space domains, and ROI importance is helpful to highlight the subject-based characteristics of MI-EEG. Meanwhile, 2DSCG is matched well with ERDFIS, jointly improving the decoding performance.