Sport şi Societate (Sep 2016)
Performance in sports is based on an important pillar: health. Often times we go to our doctors when we are already ill, but rarely do we visit them for a discussion regarding prevention of illness. For top athletes, the fact that they have to undergo periodic medical checks allows most illnesses to be discovered at a relatively early stage. However, there are also a range of diseases that can develop latently, with minimal signs of illness that could be detected when doing a more thorough self-examination. Starting from these realities, and using as a theoretical basis the Self-control Journal from Sports Medicine, we developed a survey that included 15 questions and applied it to the team that won Romania's volleyball Cup. The purpose of the survey was to identify what is the level of knowledge of the elements regarding health: if the markers of health are known, what is the perception of athletes regarding what they can do and what depends on them in order to maintain their health. The results of the survey have shown the necessity for more information regarding the aspects related to the importance of self-examination, nutrition and sleep for athletes competing at the top levels. The value of our work resides in the fact that it is the first study in Romania that is based on the Self-control diary, combined with education on hygienic-sanitary topics simultaneous with the application of the survey.